[WORKSHOP][FR/EN] - Introduction to hardware hacking with Hydrabus
Ever wondered how to start with hardware hacking ? This workshop will present you some simple techniques you'll need to get you started. Of course, the best way to learn is by doing so we prepared a target device for you to fiddle with during the workshop.
At the end of this 3-hour workshop, you should be able to:
- Identify main components found on a device
- Read and understand a datasheet
- Get to know some of the usual protocols (UART / I2C)
- Dump the contents of a memory chip
- Debug and extract a microcontroller firmware
Please bring a laptop with at least two USB ports to be able to attend.
Other Information
Workshop max number of participants 20 persons max.
Workshop duration
around 3 hours
Workshop language (either English or French)
Slides are in english. workshop can be given in english or french depending on the audience.
Presenter names/handle and bio
Karim Sudki - Azox
Karim is a Security Expert at Kudelski IoT Labs performing security evaluation on embedded devices and related protocols. He is also interested in research topics around hardware attacks, such as fault injection and side channels. Among his past experience he has also performed numerous penetration tests and red/blue team operations.
Nicolas Oberli - Balda
Nicolas works as a security expert for Kudelski IoT Labs in Switzerland. His research focuses on embedded devices and communication protocols. In his spare time, he now spends more time designing CTF challenges than solving them. He is also one of the main developers of the Hydrabus hardware hacking tool and part of the BlackAlps security conference committee.